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Is Rubber Biodegradable? The Environmental Impact You Didn’t Know About.

Written by: Hendrik

Category: Health, News

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In this blog post, we learn if rubber is biodegradable or not and what alternatives there are.

What is Rubber?

Rubber is a natural substance extracted from rubber trees’ sap. It is used in a wide variety of products, from tires for cars and bicycles to shoe soles, rubber bands, and even in the production of condoms.

The sap or natural rubber latex is collected by making small cuts in the bark of the tree and collecting the sap in cups. It’s a milky white substance.

The sap is then transported to a processing facility where it is treated and processed to make rubber.

Rubber is an elastic material that can stretch and return to its original shape without breaking. This property makes it ideal for use in products like tires and rubber bands. Rubber also has excellent resistance to wear and tear, making it perfect for use in products like shoe soles. [source]

rubber tree

The History of Rubber.

Rubber has a long and fascinating history.

The use of rubber can be traced back to the ancient indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest, who used rubber for a variety of purposes, including making balls for games and waterproofing materials.

The first Westerners to encounter rubber were the conquistadors and other explorers who arrived in South America in the 16th century. They observed the indigenous people using rubber for various purposes and began bringing rubber samples back to Europe.

The industrial use of rubber began in the 19th century, and the first rubber factory was established in 1820 in England, but the process was still manual. In 1839, Charles Goodyear discovered the vulcanization process which made rubber more durable and heat-resistant, thus, it could be used for making tires, shoe soles and other industrial applications.

This was a significant turning point in the history of rubber, as it made it possible to manufacture a wide range of products. During World War II, the demand for rubber increased and the US Government set up a program to increase production and also develop synthetic rubber.

This led to the creation of new rubber-like materials such as neoprene and silicone. Today, rubber remains a vital and versatile material used in countless products and industries. The majority of the rubber produced today comes from Southeast Asia, specifically from countries like Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Find eco friendly wetsuits in this article, or learn about silicone if it is safe to use with food here.

Is Rubber Biodegradable or Non-biodegradable?

Rubber is generally considered to be non-biodegradable, meaning that it does not break down easily in the environment. Natural rubber is derived from the sap of rubber trees and is a natural polymer, however, most rubber products are made from synthetic rubbers, which are derived from petroleum and are not biodegradable.

Rubber products can decompose in the environment for hundreds of years, creating a significant waste management problem. Landfills, oceans, and the environment are affected by the presence of non-degradable rubber, and it is hard to dispose of.

Definition of biodegradability

Biodegradability refers to the ability of a material to break down and decompose into natural, non-toxic substances through the action of living organisms, such as bacteria and fungi.

This process occurs over time and typically results in the material being absorbed back into the ecosystem. Biodegradability is an essential consideration in waste management. It can help reduce the amount of waste in landfills and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly society.

is rubber biodegradable

The Importance of biodegradability in waste management

Think of biodegradable waste as the superhero of trash! Just like how Superman saves the day or Zerowasteman, biodegradable waste saves our environment by breaking down and returning to nature.

Imagine a world where all waste is biodegradable. It would be like a clean and healthy planet, free from overflowing landfills and pollution. Ahh, I am dreaming here…

So, is rubber biodegradable?

The answer is a bit complicated. Rubber is derived from natural sources, such as the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), which is native to South America. The rubber tree produces a milky white substance called natural latex, which is collected and processed to create rubber.

This means that rubber is a natural material and, in theory, should be biodegradable.

However, converting latex into rubber involves various chemical treatments and processes, such as vulcanization, which consists in adding sulfur and other chemicals to the latex to create a more robust and durable material. This chemical treatment makes rubber more resistant to decomposition and biodegradation.

The biodegradability of rubber also depends on the type of rubber.

There are several different types of rubber, including natural rubber, synthetic rubber, and reclaimed rubber. Natural latex rubber is made from the latex of the rubber tree and is generally more biodegradable than synthetic rubber. However, it can still take hundreds of years to degrade fully.

On the other hand, synthetic rubber is made from petrochemicals and is not biodegradable.

Reclaimed rubber, also known as recycled rubber, is made from scrap rubber that has been processed and can be used to create new rubber products—a kind of eco-friendly version.

The biodegradability of reclaimed rubber depends on the original rubber and the processes used to recycle it.

Despite the chemical treatment and processing that rubber undergoes, some studies have shown that rubber can biodegrade under certain conditions.

For example, research has shown that natural rubber can biodegrade in soil and water environments, particularly when exposed to heat, light, and oxygen.

On the other hand, synthetic rubber is more resistant to biodegradation and may take much longer to break down. The rate at which rubber biodegrades also depends on the size and shape of the rubber particles, as well as the presence of other materials in the environment.

So, is rubber biodegradable? The short answer is that it depends on the type of rubber and the conditions in which it is disposed of. Natural rubber is generally more biodegradable than synthetic rubber, and the rate at which rubber biodegrades can vary depending on the size and shape of the rubber particles and the presence of other materials in the environment.

However, rubber’s chemical treatment and processing make it more resistant to biodegradation. It may take a significant amount of time for the rubber to break down completely.

dog eating rubber toy

What is the impact of rubber on wildlife?

The issue of rubber pollution is caused by both natural causes like storms and human activities like industrial waste, landfills and transportation.

Marine animals, in particular, are at risk of ingesting rubber debris, which can harm or kill them. One of the main ways that rubber impacts wildlife is through ingestion.

Marine animals, such as sea turtles, seabirds, and whales, can mistake rubber debris for food, and ingest it. This can cause a variety of health problems, including starvation, intestinal blockages, and even death. Ingested rubber can also absorb pollutants, such as PCBs and DDT, which can accumulate in the animal’s body and cause further harm.

In addition, rubber pollution can also have impacts on terrestrial wildlife as well. For example, rubber bands and other small pieces of rubber can be mistaken as food by birds and small mammals.

How is rubber disposed of?

Rubber disposal is crucial for waste management as it helps protect the environment and conserves natural resources. One of the most common methods of rubber disposal is recycling.

Rubber can be recycled and used to create new products such as tires, flooring, and clothing.

Additionally, rubber can also be burned to generate electricity in an environmentally-friendly manner. Incineration is another way of disposing of rubber waste, which happens in a controlled environment where emissions are captured and treated to minimize environmental impacts.

Furthermore, some advanced methods like Crumb rubber infill, pyrolysis and Gasification are also being used. It is vital to properly dispose of rubber to prevent pollution and conserve resources for future generations.

recycling facility

Can we recycle rubber materials?

Yes, rubber can be recycled in many ways. One common method is known as “grinding,” where old rubber products are broken down into small pieces and then used as a filler in new products. This can include everything from rubber mulch for playgrounds and landscaping to new tires and rubber mats. The small rubber granules obtained from this process can also be used in the production of new rubber products. This process is known as “crumb rubber” production.

Another method of recycling rubber is called “devulcanization.” This process uses chemicals and heat to break down the cross-linking bonds that make rubber strong and durable, turning the rubber back into a sort of liquid form, which can then be used to create new rubber products. This process is often more sustainable than traditional rubber production as it saves energy and reduces the need for raw materials.

Recycling rubber can help reduce the environmental impact of rubber production and disposal and can also conserve natural resources. Also, it’s good to know that many companies and municipalities have programs to collect and recycle old rubber products. These programs can include collection events, drop-off locations, and even curbside pickup. It is worth checking in your area to see if any options exist to recycle rubber or other waste materials.

cork tree

Alternatives to rubber?

Rubber is a versatile material used in many products but has a significant environmental impact. Fortunately, many alternatives to rubber are sustainable and eco-friendly.

One of the most popular alternatives is cork, a natural and renewable resource that can substitute shoe soles, insulation, and flooring. Check out my video on the Saola Shoes here.

Another alternative is bamboo, a fast-growing and renewable plant that can be used for flooring, paper products, and even textiles.

Innovative materials such as Mycelium, a fungal material, and thermoplastic elastomers are also being used as alternatives. These materials are biodegradable and compostable and can be used in various applications, including packaging, insulation and even car parts. Exploring these alternatives to rubber to reduce rubber production and disposal’s environmental impact and conserve natural resources for future generations is essential.

Is eco-friendly rubber real?

Eco-friendly rubber, also known as sustainable natural rubber, refers to rubber produced using environmentally friendly methods and materials.

This can include using natural rubber sourced from rubber trees that have been sustainably harvested, using recycled rubber, or using methods with lower environmental impact.

While eco-friendly rubber is genuine, it is essential to note that not all products labeled as such may be fully sustainable or environmentally friendly. Some products may only be partially eco-friendly or may not meet specific standards for sustainability.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the entire lifecycle of the product, including how it is manufactured, used, and disposed of, to determine its environmental impact truly.


Is rubber environmentally friendly?

Rubber can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment, depending on how it is produced and used. Traditional rubber products can be harmful to the environment, as it often involves large-scale monoculture plantations that can lead to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Additionally, the use of synthetic rubber, which is derived from petroleum, can contribute to air and water pollution.

On the other hand, sustainably-produced natural rubber can have a much lower environmental impact. Natural rubber is derived from the sap of rubber trees and can be sustainably harvested without causing deforestation. Additionally, using recycled rubber and eco-friendly methods for processing rubber can also help reduce rubber production’s environmental impact.

The usage of rubber in products also has an impact on the environment; for example, automobile tires are the largest end-use application of rubber, and the disposal of used tires is a significant waste management problem. Rubber is non-biodegradable and takes hundreds of years to decompose in the environment, often leading to accumulation in landfills and oceans, which can cause harm to wildlife and ecosystems.

Overall, rubber is not considered environmentally friendly per se. Still, the rubber industry is looking for ways to make it more sustainable by choosing eco-friendly raw materials, producing in a sustainable way, and finding ways to recycle or decompose it in an eco-friendly way.

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Hendrik Kaiser

I've studied biology and lived for 3 years on an off-grid permaculture farm. I love kitesurfing and keeping my body healthy and fit. Hence, I care so much about keeping our environment clean and being as zero waste as possible. Being a zerowasteman is a superpower everyone has inside of themselves, and I want to teach you how you can unleash it.

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